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목록인증기술 (127)
authenticatorAttachment, of type DOMString If this member is present, eligible authenticators are filtered to only authenticators attached with the specified § 5.4.5 Authenticator Attachment Enumeration (enum AuthenticatorAttachment). The value SHOULD be a member of AuthenticatorAttachment but client platforms MUST ignore unknown values, treating an unknown value as if the member does not exist...
residentKey, of type DOMString Specifies the extent to which the Relying Party desires to create a client-side discoverable credential. For historical reasons the naming retains the deprecated “resident” terminology. The value SHOULD be a member of ResidentKeyRequirement but client platforms MUST ignore unknown values, treating an unknown value as if the member does not exist. If no value is giv..
userVerification, of type DOMString, defaulting to "preferred" This member describes the Relying Party's requirements regarding user verification for the create() operation. Eligible authenticators are filtered to only those capable of satisfying this requirement. The value SHOULD be a member of UserVerificationRequirement but client platforms MUST ignore unknown values, treating an unknown valu..
requireResidentKey, of type boolean, defaulting to false This member is retained for backwards compatibility with WebAuthn Level 1 and, for historical reasons, its naming retains the deprecated “resident” terminology for discoverable credentials. Relying Parties SHOULD set it to true if, and only if, residentKey is set to required. 부울 유형의 requireResidentKey, 기본값은 false, FIDO 멤버는 WebAuthn 레벨 1의 이..
WebAuthn Relying Parties may use AttestationConveyancePreference to specify their preference regarding attestation conveyance during credential generation.enum AttestationConveyancePreference { "none", "indirect", "direct", "enterprise" }; WebAuthn 신뢰 당사자는 AttestationConveyancePreference를 사용하여 자격 증명 생성 중 증명 전달에 대한 선호도를 지정할 수 있습니다 . enum AttestationConveyancePreference { "none", "indirect", "dire..
사용하는 플랫폼 (기기, 웹브라우저 등) 에서 인증에 필요한 기능 ( Face ID, Touch ID 등) 을 지원하는지 확인할 수 있다. function isUVPAA() { try { eval(PublicKeyCredential); } catch(err) { showErrorMsg(`UVPAA failed: [${err.toString()}]`); return; } if (PublicKeyCredential && PublicKeyCredential.isUserVerifyingPlatformAuthenticatorAvailable) { PublicKeyCredential.isUserVerifyingPlatformAuthenticatorAvailable().then(response => { if (res..
의료법 위반으로 형사처벌, 면허정지 불이익 전자진료기록부를 사용할 때 반드시 전자서명을 해야 한다. 전자진료기록을 작성하면서 의사 서명란에 전자서명을 하지 않아 의사자격정지 처분을 받은 원장이 이에 불복해 서울행정법원에 행정처분 취소를 구하는 소송을 제기했다. 이에 법원은 최근 전자진료기록에 전자서명을 하지 않은 것은 의료법상 진료기록부 등을 기록하지 않은 것으로 판단, 보건복지부장관의 의사자격정지 처분이 적법하다고 판단했다. 전자진료기록에 전자서명을 하지 않으면 의료법상 전자의무기록으로 볼 수 없다는 취지의 판단은 보건복지부의 행정처분 및 다수의 판례에서 여러 차례 확인된 바 있었다. 진료기록은 의료행위를 담당하는 의료인들로 하여금 환자의 상태와 치료의 경과에 대한 정보를 빠뜨리지 않고 정확하게 기록해..
slides.com/fidoalliance/jan-2018-fido-seminar-webauthn-tutorial WORKSHOP: Authenticating your web like a boss WebAuthn Workshop slides.com
// this is your attestationObject which is web safe base64 encode string var attestationObject = "o2NmbXRkbm9uZWdhdHRTdG10oGhhdXRoRGF0YVjE4mQ5WmgO3yl24XjxRqkP9LjqRYP-GsIubALB-5K_CK5FXMrOUa3OAAI1vMYKZIsLJfHwVQMAQABcapsmHtrsLJtfZ7RDcRm0iDgMlc5-CuP2XcNOwDy0uU2mU44ENk-EqtthH7huq8AipYfY0EvmfPRqQI-zI5GlAQIDJiABIVggZplpmQSKsJvg78INyrQUgBo9dv0vaZL6Qp15rOd6wMQiWCAx-ZeQ6T_xTMlY9cG3EWY54wT9Hd6EX7P7Ak-9uwau..
원문 : www.ubisecure.com/api/fido-webauthn-api/ Working with FIDO and the WebAuthn API The API is specified by Web Authentication: An API for accessing Public Key Credentials published by W3C. The status of this specification was recently (March 2019) updated to W3C Recommendation, which means the specification is complete and no major chang www.ubisecure.com 원문을 참조하세요. 원문이 상세하며 정확합니다. 아랫글은 원문 접근이..