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NullAuthPlugin 본문
Read Me About NullAuthPlugin.txt
Read Me About NullAuthPlugin
NullAuthPlugin is a sample authorization plugin that just dumps out the authorization context in which it's run. You can use it as a template for writing a new authorization plugin, or you can use it as a tool to debug the authorization process.
NullAuthPlugin requires Mac OS X 10.5 or later, although the basic technique should work back to Mac OS X 10.4.
Packing List
The sample contains the following items:
o Read Me About NullAuthPlugin.txt -- This file.
o NullAuthPlugin.xcodeproj -- An Xcode project for the plugin.
o build -- Contains a prebuilt binary.
o NullAuthPlugin.c -- C source code for the plugin.
o Info.plist -- A property list file for the plugin.
Using the Sample
WARNING: The authorization process is fundamental to the operation of the computer. If you make a mistake during development or installation of an authorization plugin, it's likely that you will not be able to log in in order to fix it. I recommend that you install the plugin on a development machine with a second bootable partition.
To install the plugin, first copy it to the "SecurityAgentPlugins" folder. The exact approach depends on your system version. In Mac OS X 10.5 and later, you should use:
$ cd Downloads/NullAuthPlugin
$ sudo cp -R build/Debug/NullAuthPlugin.bundle /Library/Security/SecurityAgentPlugins/
$ sudo chown -R root:wheel /Library/Security/SecurityAgentPlugins/NullAuthPlugin.bundle
Earlier systems do not support authorization plug-ins within the /Library hierarchy <rdar://problem/4883523>, so you have to copy NullAuthPlugin into the /System hierarchy instead. Here's what to do:
$ cd Desktop/NullAuthPlugin
$ sudo cp -R build/Debug/NullAuthPlugin.bundle /System/Library/CoreServices/SecurityAgentPlugins/
Now edit the "system.login.console" rule in "/etc/authorization" to invoke the plugin. You want to add the plug-in to the appropriate place in the "mechanisms" array. The default "mechanisms" array (on 10.6) looks like this.
Use your favourite text editor to invoke the plugin from this array. For example, to investigate how the "builtin:getuserinfo" mechanism affects the authorization context, add entries that invoke the "NullAuthPlugin" before and after "builtin:getuserinfo". The resulting "mechanisms" array would look like this.
In each string (which are outdented to make them obvious), the item before the colon is the plugin name ("NullAuthPlugin") and the item after the colon is the mechanism name. "NullAuthPlugin" ignores the mechanism name, so you can use it as a comment.
To test the plugin, log out and then log back in. Upon logging back in, launch the Console application and look at the secure log ("/private/var/log/secure.log"). You'll see entries like those shown below.
IMPORTANT: You have to be an administrator (in group "admin") to view the secure log. Moreover, on Mac OS X 10.5.x the secure log is not readable even by administrators. To see the secure log in 10.5.x you can run the following command from Terminal:
$ sudo cat /var/log/secure.log
Note: I've extensively processed these listings to make them easier to read in this context. Specifically:
o I've remove all log lines not relevant to this discussion.
o I've removed the standard syslog prefix (date/time, host name, process name/ID).
o I've added line numbers.
o I've elided text to limit the line length.
1 NullAuth:AuthorizationPluginCreate: callbacks=0x1000418c0
2 NullAuth:AuthorizationPluginCreate: err=0, *outPlugin=0x1001551f0, *outPl[...]
3 NullAuth:MechanismCreate: inPlugin=0x1001551f0, [...], mechanismId='before'
4 NullAuth:MechanismCreate: err=0, *outMechanism=0x100199370
5 NullAuth:MechanismInvoke: inMechanism=0x100199370
6 NullAuth:PrintAuthState: pid=610, ppid=19, euid=92, ruid=92
7 NullAuth:PrintAuthState: SessionGetInfo err=0, actualSessionID=2169337, s[...]
8 NullAuth:PrintAuthState: GetSessionId err=0, sessionID=0x0
9 NullAuth:PrintAuthState: GetArguments err=-60008
10 GetContextValue key='username', value='quinn'
11 GetContextValue key='password', value=''
12 GetContextValue key='uid', value=502
13 GetContextValue key='gid', value=20
14 GetContextValue key='home', value='/Users/quinn'
15 GetContextValue key='longname', value='Quinn'
16 GetContextValue key='shell', value='/bin/bash'
17 GetHintValue key='authorize-right', value='system.login.console'
18 GetHintValue key='authorize-rule', value='system.login.console'
19 GetHintValue key='client-path', value='/System/Library/CoreServices/login[...]
20 GetHintValue key='client-pid', value=600
21 GetHintValue key='client-type', value='BNDL'
22 GetHintValue key='client-uid', value=0
23 GetHintValue key='creator-pid', value=600
24 GetHintValue key='tries', value=0
25 GetContextValue key='dsAttrTypeStandard:AuthenticationAuthority', value='[...]
26 NullAuth:MechanismInvoke: err=0
27 NullAuth:MechanismInvoke: inMechanism=0x100199370
28 NullAuth:PrintAuthState: pid=610, ppid=19, euid=92, ruid=92
29 NullAuth:PrintAuthState: SessionGetInfo err=0, actualSessionID=2169337, s[...]
30 NullAuth:PrintAuthState: GetSessionId err=0, sessionID=0x0
31 NullAuth:PrintAuthState: GetArguments err=-60008
32 GetContextValue key='username', value='quinn'
33 GetContextValue key='password', value='********'
34 GetContextValue key='uid', value=502
35 GetContextValue key='gid', value=20
36 GetContextValue key='home', value='/Users/quinn'
37 GetContextValue key='longname', value='Quinn'
38 GetContextValue key='shell', value='/bin/bash'
39 GetHintValue key='authorize-right', value='system.login.console'
40 GetHintValue key='authorize-rule', value='system.login.console'
41 GetHintValue key='client-path', value='/System/Library/CoreServices/login[...]
42 GetHintValue key='client-pid', value=600
43 GetHintValue key='client-type', value='BNDL'
44 GetHintValue key='client-uid', value=0
45 GetHintValue key='creator-pid', value=600
46 GetHintValue key='tries', value=1
47 GetContextValue key='dsAttrTypeStandard:AuthenticationAuthority', value='[...]
48 NullAuth:MechanismInvoke: err=0
49 NullAuth:MechanismCreate: inPlugin=0x1001551f0, [...], mechanismId='after'
50 NullAuth:MechanismCreate: err=0, *outMechanism=0x109ec38f0
51 NullAuth:MechanismInvoke: inMechanism=0x109ec38f0
52 NullAuth:PrintAuthState: pid=610, ppid=19, euid=92, ruid=92
53 NullAuth:PrintAuthState: SessionGetInfo err=0, actualSessionID=2169337, s[...]
54 NullAuth:PrintAuthState: GetSessionId err=0, sessionID=0x0
55 NullAuth:PrintAuthState: GetArguments err=-60008
56 GetContextValue key='username', value='quinn'
57 GetContextValue key='password', value='********'
58 GetContextValue key='uid', value=502
59 GetContextValue key='gid', value=20
60 GetContextValue key='home', value='/Users/quinn'
61 GetContextValue key='longname', value='Quinn'
62 GetContextValue key='shell', value='/bin/bash'
63 GetHintValue key='authorize-right', value='system.login.console'
64 GetHintValue key='authorize-rule', value='system.login.console'
65 GetHintValue key='client-path', value='/System/Library/CoreServices/login[...]
66 GetHintValue key='client-pid', value=600
67 GetHintValue key='client-type', value='BNDL'
68 GetHintValue key='client-uid', value=0
69 GetHintValue key='creator-pid', value=600
70 GetHintValue key='tries', value=1
71 GetContextValue key='dsAttrTypeStandard:RealName', value='Quinn'
72 GetContextValue key='dsAttrTypeStandard:GeneratedUID', value='17EB7CAC-C1[...]
73 GetContextValue key='dsAttrTypeStandard:NFSHomeDirectory', value='/Users/[...]
74 GetContextValue key='dsAttrTypeStandard:PrimaryGroupID', value='20'
75 GetContextValue key='dsAttrTypeStandard:UniqueID', value='502'
76 GetContextValue key='dsAttrTypeStandard:AuthenticationAuthority', value='[...]
77 NullAuth:MechanismInvoke: err=0
78 NullAuth:MechanismDestroy: inMechanism=0x100199370
79 NullAuth:MechanismDestroy: inMechanism=0x109ec38f0
There are three groups of entries here:
A. The first group (lines 1 through 26) is the result of loginwindow trying to log in with an empty password. It does this before prompting the user to enter their password, just in case the user has no password. This login attempt fails, which is why you only see the "before" mechanism.
B. The second group (lines 27 through 48) is logged after loginwindow has collected a password from the user and tries to log in for real. Like B this is the "before" mechanism.
C. The third group (lines 59 through 79) represent the "after" mechanism. This is run after "builtin:authenticate" has executed, and you'll note that "builtin:getuserinfo" has added numerous entries to the the authorization context (all of the entries whose keys start with "dsAttrTypeStandard").
Building the Sample
The sample was built using Xcode 3.2.5 on Mac OS X 10.6.5. You should be able to just open the project and choose Build from the Build menu. This will build "NullAuthPlugin.bundle" in the "build" directory. The sample was primarily tested on Mac OS X 10.5 and Mac OS X 10.6.
How it Works
The authorization plugin architecture is documented on the developer web site.
NullAuthPlugin is a trivial example of an authorization plugin. It dumps out the authorization context to the system log and then returns kAuthorizationResultAllow as the authorization result, which means that authorization automatically proceeds to the next authorization plugin.
There is no way to iterate through the list of keys in the authorization context. Thus, the code that prints the context (PrintAuthState) has a hard-coded list of keys that it knows about. This list is not authoritative; you should feel free to add or remove entries based on your requirements.
IMPORTANT: Many of the keys included in the kStateKeys array are not considered to be part of the defined API; see the comments in the code near the definition of the kStateKeys array for details.
By default NullAuthPlugin will not log your password in plain text to the system log (-: If you need to log the password, change the definition of kIDontCareIfMyPasswordIsLogged to 1 (in PrintTypedData in "NullAuthPlugin.c") and rebuild.
Credits and Version History
If you find any problems with this sample, mail <dts@apple.com> and I'll try to fix them up.
1.0 (Oct 2005) was the first shipping version.
1.1 (Aug 2007) is a relatively small update to add some useful features:
- It now prints the parent process ID and the results of SessionGetInfo.
- We now support a kPlist key type, as well as the kPlistOrString.
- If you use a mechanism name of "WaitForDebugger", NullAuthPlugin will log a simple message and then wait for you to attach with GDB.
1.2 (Jan 2011) fixes a memory stomping bug <rdar://problem/7142712> and contains other, mostly editorial, changes.
Share and Enjoy.
Apple Developer Technical Support
Networking, Communications, Hardware
11 Jan 2011
File: NullAuthPlugin.c
Contains: An empty authorization plug-in, for logging and testing.
Written by: DTS
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2010 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following
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The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis.
#include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>
#include <DirectoryService/DirectoryService.h>
#include <Security/AuthorizationPlugin.h>
#include <Security/AuthSession.h>
#include <Security/AuthorizationTags.h>
#include <syslog.h>
#include <unistd.h>
// During development, you can define DEBUGLOG to call printf, and GCC
// will type check your arguments for you (GCC is smart enough to
// interpret printf format strings, but not smart enough to know
// that syslog format strings are virtually identical).
// In the standard configuration, all of my debug output goes to syslog.
// To see this output:
// 1. Edit /etc/syslog.conf and insert the following line at beginning.
// *.debug /var/log/debug.log
// In the above line the two fields ("*.debug" and "/var/log/debug.log") must be
// separated by a tab character.
// 2. Send syslogd a SIGHUP.
// $ sudo kill -HUP `cat /var/run/syslog.pid`
// 3. Read the system log.
// $ tail -f /var/log/debug.log
#if 1
#define DEBUGLOG(...) syslog(LOG_DEBUG, __VA_ARGS__);
#warning Don't forget to reenable syslog.
#define DEBUGLOG(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__);
#pragma mark ***** Core Data Structures
typedef struct PluginRecord PluginRecord; // forward decl
#pragma mark * Mechanism
// MechanismRecord is the per-mechanism data structure. One of these
// is created for each mechanism that's instantiated, and holds all
// of the data needed to run that mechanism. In this trivial example,
// that data set is very small.
// Mechanisms are single threaded; the code does not have to guard
// against multiple threads running inside the mechanism simultaneously.
enum {
kMechanismMagic = 'Mchn'
struct MechanismRecord {
OSType fMagic; // must be kMechanismMagic
AuthorizationEngineRef fEngine;
const PluginRecord * fPlugin;
Boolean fWaitForDebugger;
typedef struct MechanismRecord MechanismRecord;
static Boolean MechanismValid(const MechanismRecord *mechanism)
return (mechanism != NULL)
&& (mechanism->fMagic == kMechanismMagic)
&& (mechanism->fEngine != NULL)
&& (mechanism->fPlugin != NULL);
#pragma mark * Plugin
// PluginRecord is the per-plugin data structure. As the system only
// instantiates a plugin once per plugin host, this information could
// just as easily be kept in global variables. However, just to keep
// things tidy, I pushed it all into a single record.
// As a plugin may host multiple mechanism, and there's no guarantee
// that these mechanisms won't be running on different threads, data
// in this record should be protected from multiple concurrent access.
// In my case, however, all of the data is read-only, so I don't need
// to do anything special.
enum {
kPluginMagic = 'PlgN'
struct PluginRecord {
OSType fMagic; // must be kPluginMagic
const AuthorizationCallbacks * fCallbacks;
static Boolean PluginValid(const PluginRecord *plugin)
return (plugin != NULL)
&& (plugin->fMagic == kPluginMagic)
&& (plugin->fCallbacks != NULL)
&& (plugin->fCallbacks->version >= kAuthorizationCallbacksVersion);
#pragma mark ***** Mechanism Printing Stuff
// The code in this section is used to pretty print the state of the
// authorization system when the mechanism is invoked. This is a lot
// of code, but it's not very relevant to the authorization plugin
// mechanism itself (except insofar as it allows you to see what
// data is being passed around in the context and hints).
// As there is no way to enumerate all of the entries in the context/hints,
// I just hard-code a big table of likely entries. The KeyInfo structure
// is used to hold information about each entry. As the entries in the
// context/hints are not typed, I store both the name and the type.
// As I have no idea which keys pertain to which context and which pertain
// to hints, I try each key in both. Besides, the push_hints_to_context
// mechanism implies that they share the same namespace.
enum KeyType {
kString, // without null terminator
kString0, // with null terminator
kPID, // pid_t
kUID, // uid_t
kGID, // gid_t
kPlistOrString // wacky special case for AuthenticationAuthority
typedef enum KeyType KeyType;
struct KeyInfo {
const char * fKey;
KeyType fType;
typedef struct KeyInfo KeyInfo;
static const KeyInfo kStateKeys[] = {
// Only the keys documented in public header files are considered to be
// part of the defined API for an authorization plug-in. The keys that
// are defined as literal strings are present for debugging and exploration
// purposes only. Do not use these strings in a 'shrink wrap' authorization
// plug-in without first discussing the issue with Apple. You can either
// open a Developer Tech Support incident:
// <http://developer.apple.com/technicalsupport/index.html>
// or ask your question on the Apple-CDSA mailing list:
// <http://www.lists.apple.com/apple-cdsa>
// hint keys documented in <Security/AuthorizationTags.h>
{ kAuthorizationEnvironmentUsername, kString0 },
{ kAuthorizationEnvironmentPassword, kString0 },
{ kAuthorizationEnvironmentIcon, kUnknown },
{ kAuthorizationEnvironmentPrompt, kUnknown },
// context keys from a typical system (found using debugger)
{ "uid", kUID },
{ "gid", kGID },
{ "home", kString0 },
{ "longname", kString0 },
{ "shell", kString0 },
// hint keys from a typical system (found using debugger)
{ "authorize-right", kString },
{ "authorize-rule", kString },
{ "client-path", kString },
{ "client-pid", kPID },
{ "client-type", kOSType },
{ "client-uid", kUID },
{ "creator-pid", kPID },
{ "tries", kUInt32 },
// other keys found by grovelling through source code
{ "suggested-user", kUnknown },
{ "require-user-in-group", kUnknown },
{ "reason", kUnknown },
{ "token-name", kUnknown },
{ "afp_dir", kString0 },
{ "kerberos-principal", kUnknown },
{ "mountpoint", kString0 },
{ "new-password", kUnknown },
{ "show-add-to-keychain", kUnknown },
{ "add-to-keychain", kUnknown },
{ "Home_Dir_Mount_Result", kSInt32 },
{ "homeDirType", kSInt32 },
// The getuserinfo authentication mechanism copies all of the user's
// Open Directory attributes to the hints (?, or context?). So we
// look for the standard OD user attributes.
// AFAIK all of these are of type kString (because getuserinfo
// only copies across string values), but I've only set the type
// to string for those that I've seen in the wild. The remainder
// stay as type kUnknown until I see a concrete example.
{ kDS1AttrAdminLimits, kUnknown },
{ kDS1AttrAdminStatus, kUnknown },
{ kDS1AttrAlternateDatastoreLocation, kUnknown },
{ kDS1AttrAuthenticationHint, kUnknown },
{ kDS1AttrChange, kUnknown },
{ kDS1AttrComment, kUnknown },
{ kDS1AttrDistinguishedName, kString },
{ kDS1AttrExpire, kUnknown },
{ kDS1AttrFirstName, kUnknown },
{ kDS1AttrGeneratedUID, kString },
{ kDS1AttrHomeDirectorySoftQuota, kUnknown },
{ kDS1AttrHomeDirectoryQuota, kUnknown },
{ kDS1AttrHomeLocOwner, kUnknown },
{ kDS1AttrInternetAlias, kUnknown },
{ kDS1AttrLastName, kString },
{ kDS1AttrMailAttribute, kUnknown },
{ kDS1AttrMiddleName, kUnknown },
{ kDS1AttrNFSHomeDirectory, kString },
{ kDS1AttrOriginalNFSHomeDirectory, kUnknown },
{ kDS1AttrPassword, kString },
{ kDS1AttrPasswordPlus, kString },
{ kDS1AttrPicture, kUnknown },
{ kDS1AttrPrimaryGroupID, kString },
{ kDS1AttrRealUserID, kString },
{ kDS1AttrUniqueID, kString },
{ kDS1AttrUserShell, kString },
{ kDSNAttrAddressLine1, kUnknown },
{ kDS1StandardAttrHomeLocOwner, kUnknown },
{ kDSNAttrAddressLine2, kUnknown },
{ kDSNAttrAddressLine3, kUnknown },
{ kDSNAttrAreaCode, kUnknown },
{ kDSNAttrAuthenticationAuthority, kPlistOrString },
{ kDSNAttrBuilding, kUnknown },
{ kDSNAttrCity, kUnknown },
{ kDSNAttrCountry, kUnknown },
{ kDSNAttrDepartment, kUnknown },
{ kDSNAttrEMailAddress, kUnknown },
{ kDSNAttrFaxNumber, kUnknown },
{ kDSNAttrGroupMembers, kUnknown },
{ kDSNAttrGroupMembership, kUnknown },
{ kDSNAttrHomeDirectory, kString },
{ kDSNAttrIMHandle, kUnknown },
{ kDSNAttrJobTitle, kUnknown },
{ kDSNAttrMobileNumber, kUnknown },
{ kDSNAttrNamePrefix, kUnknown },
{ kDSNAttrNameSuffix, kUnknown },
{ kDSNAttrNestedGroups, kUnknown },
{ kDSNAttrNetGroups, kUnknown },
{ kDSNAttrNickName, kUnknown },
{ kDSNAttrOrganizationName, kUnknown },
{ kDSNAttrOriginalHomeDirectory, kUnknown },
{ kDSNAttrPagerNumber, kUnknown },
{ kDSNAttrPhoneNumber, kUnknown },
{ kDSNAttrPostalAddress, kUnknown },
{ kDSNAttrPostalCode, kUnknown },
{ kDSNAttrState, kUnknown },
{ kDSNAttrStreet, kUnknown }
static void PrintHexData(const char *scope, const char *key, const void *buf, size_t bufSize)
// Prints the specified buffer as hex.
size_t outputSize;
char * output;
const unsigned char * bufBase;
size_t bufIndex;
char tmp[16];
assert(scope != NULL);
assert(key != NULL);
assert( (bufSize == 0) || (buf != NULL) );
// Allocate the correct size buffer.
outputSize = bufSize * 3 + 1;
output = (char *) malloc(outputSize);
assert(output != NULL);
if (output != NULL) {
// Fill the buffer with the hex.
*output = 0;
bufBase = (const unsigned char *) buf;
for (bufIndex = 0; bufIndex < bufSize; bufIndex++) {
snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%02x ", bufBase[bufIndex]);
strlcat(output, tmp, outputSize);
assert(outputSize == (strlen(output) + 1));
// Print it.
DEBUGLOG("%s key='%s' value=%s", scope, key, output);
static void PrintPlist(const char *scope, const char *key, const void *buf, size_t bufSize)
CFDataRef data;
CFPropertyListRef propList;
CFDataRef textData;
CFMutableDataRef mutableTextData;
char * dataBuf;
CFIndex dataSize;
CFIndex i;
assert(scope != NULL);
assert(key != NULL);
assert( (bufSize == 0) || (buf != NULL) );
data = NULL;
propList = NULL;
textData = NULL;
mutableTextData = NULL;
dataBuf = NULL;
// Create a CFData from the buffer, then a CFPropertyList from the data,
// then a text form of the CFPropertyList, then a mutable version of that
// ('cause I want to strip newline characters). *phew*
data = CFDataCreate(NULL, buf, bufSize);
if (data != NULL) {
propList = CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(NULL, data, kCFPropertyListImmutable, NULL);
if (propList != NULL) {
textData = CFPropertyListCreateXMLData(NULL, propList);
if (textData != NULL) {
mutableTextData = CFDataCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, textData);
if (mutableTextData != NULL) {
dataBuf = (char *) CFDataGetMutableBytePtr(mutableTextData);
dataSize = CFDataGetLength(mutableTextData);
for (i = 0; i < dataSize; i++) {
if ( (dataBuf[i] == '\r') || (dataBuf[i] == '\n') ) {
dataBuf[i] = ' ';
// If the above mess worked, print the text, otherwise just dump hex.
if (dataBuf != NULL) {
DEBUGLOG("%s key='%s', value='%.*s'", scope, key, (int) dataSize, (const char *) dataBuf);
} else {
PrintHexData(scope, key, buf, bufSize);
DEBUGLOG("%s key='%s', value='%.*s'", scope, key, (int) bufSize, (const char *) buf);
// Clean up.
if (mutableTextData != NULL) {
if (textData != NULL) {
if (propList != NULL) {
if (data != NULL) {
static void PrintPlistOrString(const char *scope, const char *key, const void *buf, size_t bufSize)
// Sniffs the buffer and prints it as either a binary plist or a string.
// The AuthenticationAuthority context value is one of these formats
// depending on whether the mechanism runs before or after
// "builtin:getuserinfo", so I have to handle both.
static const char kPlistMagic[] = "bplist00";
assert(scope != NULL);
assert(key != NULL);
assert( (bufSize == 0) || (buf != NULL) );
// See whether the first eight bytes of the buffer are kPlistMagic.
if ( (bufSize >= strlen(kPlistMagic)) && (memcmp(buf, kPlistMagic, strlen(kPlistMagic)) == 0) ) {
// If so, go the plist route.
PrintPlist(scope, key, buf, bufSize);
} else {
// If it doesn't look like a plist, print it as a string.
DEBUGLOG("%s key='%s', value='%.*s'", scope, key, (int) bufSize, (const char *) buf);
static void PrintTypedData(const char *scope, const char *key, KeyType type, const void *buf, size_t bufSize)
// Given a typed data buffer, pretty print the contents.
assert(scope != NULL);
assert(key != NULL);
assert( (bufSize == 0) || (buf != NULL) );
switch (type) {
// fall through
case kUnknown:
PrintHexData(scope, key, buf, bufSize);
case kString:
if ( (bufSize > 0) && (((const char *) buf)[bufSize - 1] == 0)) {
PrintHexData(scope, key, buf, bufSize); // not expecting a null terminator here
} else {
DEBUGLOG("%s key='%s', value='%.*s'", scope, key, (int) bufSize, (const char *) buf);
case kString0:
if ( (bufSize > 0) && (((const char *) buf)[bufSize - 1] == 0)) {
// By default we log your password as "********". If you want the real
// password to show up in the log, change the following to 1.
#define kIDontCareIfMyPasswordIsLogged 0
if ( (strcmp(key, "password") == 0) && ! kIDontCareIfMyPasswordIsLogged ) {
if (strlen(buf) == 0) {
DEBUGLOG("%s key='%s', value=''", scope, key);
} else {
DEBUGLOG("%s key='%s', value='********'", scope, key);
} else {
DEBUGLOG("%s key='%s', value='%s'", scope, key, (const char *) buf);
} else {
PrintHexData(scope, key, buf, bufSize);
case kPID:
if (bufSize == sizeof(pid_t)) {
DEBUGLOG("%s key='%s', value=%ld", scope, key, (long) *(pid_t *) buf);
} else {
PrintHexData(scope, key, buf, bufSize);
case kUID:
if (bufSize == sizeof(uid_t)) {
DEBUGLOG("%s key='%s', value=%ld", scope, key, (long) *(uid_t *) buf);
} else {
PrintHexData(scope, key, buf, bufSize);
case kGID:
if (bufSize == sizeof(gid_t)) {
DEBUGLOG("%s key='%s', value=%ld", scope, key, (long) *(gid_t *) buf);
} else {
PrintHexData(scope, key, buf, bufSize);
case kOSType:
if (bufSize == sizeof(OSType)) {
OSType tmp;
// Should convert MacRoman to UTF-8 for each character, but that's
// quite hard.
tmp = *(OSType *) buf;
DEBUGLOG("%s key='%s', value='%c%c%c%c'", scope, key, (UInt8) (tmp >> 24), (UInt8) (tmp >> 16), (UInt8) (tmp >> 8), (UInt8) tmp);
} else {
PrintHexData(scope, key, buf, bufSize);
case kUInt32:
if (bufSize == sizeof(UInt32)) {
DEBUGLOG("%s key='%s', value=%lu", scope, key, (unsigned long) *(UInt32 *) buf);
} else {
PrintHexData(scope, key, buf, bufSize);
case kSInt32:
if (bufSize == sizeof(SInt32)) {
DEBUGLOG("%s key='%s', value=%ld", scope, key, (long) *(SInt32 *) buf);
} else {
PrintHexData(scope, key, buf, bufSize);
case kPlist:
PrintPlist(scope, key, buf, bufSize);
case kPlistOrString:
PrintPlistOrString(scope, key, buf, bufSize);
static void PrintKeyedAuthState(MechanismRecord *mechanism, const char *key, KeyType type)
// For a given key, get both the content and hint value and, if successful, print them.
OSStatus err;
const AuthorizationValue * value;
AuthorizationContextFlags flags;
assert(key != NULL);
err = mechanism->fPlugin->fCallbacks->GetContextValue(mechanism->fEngine, key, &flags, &value);
if (err == noErr) {
PrintTypedData("GetContextValue", key, type, value->data, (size_t) value->length);
err = mechanism->fPlugin->fCallbacks->GetHintValue(mechanism->fEngine, key, &value);
if (err == noErr) {
PrintTypedData("GetHintValue", key, type, value->data, (size_t) value->length);
static void PrintAuthState(MechanismRecord *mechanism)
// Dump the state of the authorization. I try to print as much information
// as possible, but I'm open to suggestions for what also might be useful.
OSStatus err;
SecuritySessionId actualSessionID;
SessionAttributeBits sessionAttr;
AuthorizationSessionId sessionID;
const AuthorizationValueVector * arguments;
UInt32 argIndex;
int keyIndex;
// Process information -- This lets you see whether the plugin is running
// privileged (in "authorizationhost", with EUID 0) or GUI-capable
// (in SecurityAgent, with EUID of "securityagent" (92)).
DEBUGLOG("NullAuth:PrintAuthState: pid=%ld, ppid=%ld, euid=%ld, ruid=%ld", (long) getpid(), (long) getppid(), (long) geteuid(), (long) getuid() );
// SessionGetInfo
err = SessionGetInfo(callerSecuritySession, &actualSessionID, &sessionAttr);
if (err == noErr) {
DEBUGLOG("NullAuth:PrintAuthState: SessionGetInfo err=%ld, actualSessionID=%lu, sessionAttr=0x%lx", (long) err, (unsigned long) actualSessionID, (unsigned long) sessionAttr);
} else {
DEBUGLOG("NullAuth:PrintAuthState: SessionGetInfo err=%ld", (long) err);
// Session ID
err = mechanism->fPlugin->fCallbacks->GetSessionId(mechanism->fEngine, &sessionID);
if (err == noErr) {
DEBUGLOG("NullAuth:PrintAuthState: GetSessionId err=%ld, sessionID=%p", (long) err, sessionID);
} else {
DEBUGLOG("NullAuth:PrintAuthState: GetSessionId err=%ld", (long) err);
// Arguments -- I have yet to find a way to actually pass arguments to my mechanism.
// In fact, looking at the source it seems that GetArguments isn't actually
// implemented (it always returns errAuthorizationInternal). Still, I try to dump them
// anyway, just in case they get implemented in the future.
err = mechanism->fPlugin->fCallbacks->GetArguments(mechanism->fEngine, &arguments);
if (err == noErr) {
DEBUGLOG("NullAuth:PrintAuthState: GetArguments err=%ld, count=%lu", (long) err, (unsigned long) arguments->count);
for (argIndex = 0; argIndex < arguments->count; argIndex++) {
"NullAuth:PrintAuthState: arg[%lu]='%.*s'",
(unsigned long) argIndex,
(int) arguments->values[argIndex].length,
(char *) arguments->values[argIndex].data
} else {
DEBUGLOG("NullAuth:PrintAuthState: GetArguments err=%ld", (long) err);
// Context and Hints -- This is where things get complex. See my notes
// at the start of this section.
for (keyIndex = 0; keyIndex < (sizeof(kStateKeys) / sizeof(kStateKeys[0])); keyIndex++) {
PrintKeyedAuthState(mechanism, kStateKeys[keyIndex].fKey, kStateKeys[keyIndex].fType);
#pragma mark ***** Mechanism Entry Points
static OSStatus MechanismCreate(
AuthorizationPluginRef inPlugin,
AuthorizationEngineRef inEngine,
AuthorizationMechanismId mechanismId,
AuthorizationMechanismRef * outMechanism
// Called by the plugin host to create a mechanism, that is, a specific
// instance of authentication.
// inPlugin is the plugin reference, that is, the value returned by
// AuthorizationPluginCreate.
// inEngine is a reference to the engine that's running the plugin.
// We need to keep it around because it's a parameter to all the
// callbacks.
// mechanismId is the name of the mechanism. When you configure your
// mechanism in "/etc/authorization", you supply a string of the
// form:
// plugin:mechanism[,privileged]
// where:
// o plugin is the name of this bundle (without the extension)
// o mechanism is the string that's passed to mechanismId
// o privileged, if present, causes this mechanism to be
// instantiated in the privileged (rather than the GUI-capable)
// plug-in host
// You can use the mechanismId to support multiple types of
// operation within the same plugin code. For example, your plugin
// might have two cooperating mechanisms, one that needs to use the
// GUI and one that needs to run privileged. This allows you to put
// both mechanisms in the same plugin.
// outMechanism is a pointer to a place where you return a reference to
// the newly created mechanism.
OSStatus err;
PluginRecord * plugin;
MechanismRecord * mechanism;
DEBUGLOG("NullAuth:MechanismCreate: inPlugin=%p, inEngine=%p, mechanismId='%s'", inPlugin, inEngine, mechanismId);
plugin = (PluginRecord *) inPlugin;
assert(inEngine != NULL);
assert(mechanismId != NULL);
assert(outMechanism != NULL);
// Normally one would test mechanismId to distinguish various mechanisms
// supported by the same plugin. In this case, the only thing we care about
// is if the mechanismId is "WaitForDebugger", in which case we set the
// fWaitForDebugger flag, which changes the behaviour of MechanismInvoke.
// All other mechanism IDs are considered equal.
// Allocate the space for the MechanismRecord.
err = noErr;
mechanism = (MechanismRecord *) malloc(sizeof(*mechanism));
if (mechanism == NULL) {
err = memFullErr;
// Fill it in.
if (err == noErr) {
mechanism->fMagic = kMechanismMagic;
mechanism->fEngine = inEngine;
mechanism->fPlugin = plugin;
mechanism->fWaitForDebugger = (strcmp(mechanismId, "WaitForDebugger") == 0);
*outMechanism = mechanism;
assert( (err == noErr) == (*outMechanism != NULL) );
DEBUGLOG("NullAuth:MechanismCreate: err=%ld, *outMechanism=%p", (long) err, *outMechanism);
return err;
static OSStatus MechanismInvoke(AuthorizationMechanismRef inMechanism)
// Called by the system to start authentication using this mechanism.
// In a real plugin, this is where the real work is done.
OSStatus err;
MechanismRecord * mechanism;
DEBUGLOG("NullAuth:MechanismInvoke: inMechanism=%p", inMechanism);
mechanism = (MechanismRecord *) inMechanism;
// For exploratory purposes, either dump out the authorization state or wait for the
// debugger.
if (mechanism->fWaitForDebugger) {
DEBUGLOG("NullAuth:MechanismInvoke: process %ld waiting for debugger", (long) getpid());
DEBUGLOG("NullAuth:MechanismInvoke: process %ld continuing", (long) getpid());
} else {
// Tell the system that, as far as we're concerned, authorization was
// a success. This allows you to insert this mechanism anywhere in the
// authorization chain, to dump the state without affecting the
// authorization result.
err = mechanism->fPlugin->fCallbacks->SetResult(mechanism->fEngine, kAuthorizationResultAllow);
DEBUGLOG("NullAuth:MechanismInvoke: err=%ld", (long) err);
return err;
static OSStatus MechanismDeactivate(AuthorizationMechanismRef inMechanism)
// Called by the system to deactivate the mechanism, in the traditional
// GUI sense of deactivating a window. After your plugin has deactivated
// it's UI, it should call the DidDeactivate callback.
// In our case, we have no UI, so we just call DidDeactivate immediately.
OSStatus err;
MechanismRecord * mechanism;
DEBUGLOG("NullAuth:MechanismDeactivate: inMechanism=%p", inMechanism);
mechanism = (MechanismRecord *) inMechanism;
err = mechanism->fPlugin->fCallbacks->DidDeactivate(mechanism->fEngine);
DEBUGLOG("NullAuth:MechanismDeactivate: err=%ld", (long) err);
return err;
static OSStatus MechanismDestroy(AuthorizationMechanismRef inMechanism)
// Called by the system when it's done with the mechanism.
MechanismRecord * mechanism;
DEBUGLOG("NullAuth:MechanismDestroy: inMechanism=%p", inMechanism);
mechanism = (MechanismRecord *) inMechanism;
return noErr;
#pragma mark ***** Plugin Entry Points
static OSStatus PluginDestroy(AuthorizationPluginRef inPlugin)
// Called by the system when it's done with the plugin.
// All of the mechanisms should have been destroyed by this time.
PluginRecord * plugin;
plugin = (PluginRecord *) inPlugin;
return noErr;
// gPluginInterface is the plugin's dispatch table, a pointer to
// which you return from AuthorizationPluginCreate. This is what
// allows the system to call the various entry points in the plugin.
static AuthorizationPluginInterface gPluginInterface = {
extern OSStatus AuthorizationPluginCreate(
const AuthorizationCallbacks * callbacks,
AuthorizationPluginRef * outPlugin,
const AuthorizationPluginInterface ** outPluginInterface
// The primary entry point of the plugin. Called by the system
// to instantiate the plugin.
// callbacks is a pointer to a bunch of callbacks that allow
// your plugin to ask the system to do operations on your behalf.
// outPlugin is a pointer to a place where you can return a
// reference to the newly created plugin.
// outPluginInterface is a pointer to a place where you can return
// a pointer to your plugin dispatch table.
OSStatus err;
PluginRecord * plugin;
DEBUGLOG("NullAuth:AuthorizationPluginCreate: callbacks=%p", callbacks);
assert(callbacks != NULL);
assert(callbacks->version >= kAuthorizationCallbacksVersion);
assert(outPlugin != NULL);
assert(outPluginInterface != NULL);
// Create the plugin.
err = noErr;
plugin = (PluginRecord *) malloc(sizeof(*plugin));
if (plugin == NULL) {
err = memFullErr;
// Fill it in.
if (err == noErr) {
plugin->fMagic = kPluginMagic;
plugin->fCallbacks = callbacks;
*outPlugin = plugin;
*outPluginInterface = &gPluginInterface;
assert( (err == noErr) == (*outPlugin != NULL) );
DEBUGLOG("NullAuth:AuthorizationPluginCreate: err=%ld, *outPlugin=%p, *outPluginInterface=%p", (long) err, *outPlugin, *outPluginInterface);
return err;
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