
How to setup a Jenkins slave with ssh private key 본문

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How to setup a Jenkins slave with ssh private key

인디개발자 2017. 3. 4. 11:01

How to setup a Jenkins slave with ssh private key

(Copy and Past, Enter Directly Version)

Jing, mqjing@gmail.com

Quick Guide (4 steps)

ETA: 10 mins

Slave Machine

# init: [Slave] Create Account for Autobuild

slave:~$ sudo adduser jing_autobuild

# Step 1: Create private key and public key

slave:~$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "The access key for the slave Jing"

(note: Enter passphrase)


private key: id_rsa         # copy to master

public key: id_rsa.pub    # copy to slave (.ssh/authorized_keys)

# Step 2: Setup Authorized key

slave:~$ cat id_rsa.pub > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Jenkins Master Machine

# Step 3: Setup the Credential key

[Manage Jenkins] -> [Manage Credential] -> [Add Credentials]:

Select: SSH Username with private key


# you are on the slave

(a) copy the private key

   slave:~$ cd .ssh;cat id_rsa    

# you are on the Jenkins master

(b) paste to the jenkins master board

     Private key:

     Enter directly: <private key ascii>

# Step 4: Create Node

[Manage Jenkins] -> [Manage Node] -> [New Node]


Remote FS root: /home/jing_autobuild

Host: <slave ip>

Credentials: <select credentials>


Step 1: Create private key and public key (detail)

You are on slave machine

slave:~$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "The access key for the slave Jing"


private key: id_rsa          # for jenkins master to connect this slave

public key: id_rsa.pub     # for this slave to verify the connection from jenkins master

Note: You should enter a strong passphrase for your key. If you do not use passphrase, anyone can commit your codes when the keys were stolen.


Step 2: Setup the public key as the authorized key for verifying the credential key from the master

You are on slave machine

slave:~$ cat id_rsa.pub > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys


Step 3: Setup the the credential key

You are on the Jenkins master

[Manage Jenkins] -> [Manage Credential] -> [Add Credentials]:

Select: SSH Username with private key

Setup the username and key

Username: the username for access the slave machine

Key: copy private key

Step 1: cat the private key from the slave machine


   # you are on the slave

   slave:~$ cd .ssh;cat id_rsa

Step 2: copy the content to the jenkins master board


   # you are on the jenkins master

Setup the credential for the node

  [Manage Jenkins] -> [Manage Node] -> select node -> [Configure]

See the connection status
